Passo Duran – 1,605m

Location: SS347 Dont to Agordo (13 miles)

Coordinates: 46.3249407,12.0962269

Ridden: 2009

This was the 6th pass in our 18 passes in a day ride – preceded by Forcella Staulanza and followed by Forcella Aurine. This pass seems to be a bit Marmite – most of us disliked it although Kyle loved it. Those that disliked it were of the opinion that if it wasn’t for the fact that you need to use it as a link pass on the “18 Passes” ride, they wouldn’t have bothered riding it – altogether forgettable. The road up from Dont is largely single track, with a poor road surface and lots of completely blind bends although the descent is a bit better. On the other hand Kyle – in a minority of one – loved the single track that weaves its way up between a mixture of walls, houses and forests, before finally arriving at a small rifugio at the top. Ride it and make up your own mind.